Friday, August 19, 2011

Gabon Emergent

Rendering - Angondje Neighborhood, Libreville
Check out this article in Le Post about some of our work involving sustainable development of the Angondje neighborhood of Libreville, surrounding the new Angondje Stadium to be used as the centerpiece of the Cup d'Afrique des Nations 2012 soccer tournament. I hope you can read some French!

Watching this work progress every day is a unique experience and great opportunity to see a developing country transforming before my eyes.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Heating up in Africa

Things are heating up here in Gabon. The rush to the finish on the Cup d'Afrique des Nations is hot under way and ground breaking is fast approaching on numerous projects around the country as part of the inaugeral tranche of Master Plan priorities. Check out the shout-out printed in this week's Le Nouvel Observateur one of the stadium sites we are managing for the tournament. It is really quite an exciting time to be in Gabon as it embarks on its program of "Gabon Emergent" to establish the country as a competitive and productive member of the 21st century.

Rendering of the Omar Bongo Stadium and Sports Complex